Thursday, 2 January 2014

Softpriest / Charlie Bayley 1967 - 2013

 Softpriest / Charlie Bayley 
Just before Christmas, our dear friend Charlie lost his long battle with cancer. 
As most of you know, Charlie (known to many as the Softpriest) had been a 
massive part of Akoustik Anarkhy right from the early days. He first appeared behind the decks with us at La Bodega (formerly the Cypress Tavern/Granby) in September 2000 before making his live debut as Rupert Thee Transformer at The Star & Garter in August 2001. 

His passion for new music and the obscure held no bounds and came to the fore during his iconic DJ sets from behind the Soft Priest Mobile Confessional at The Gardens Hotel and beyond. Charlie constantly surprised & delighted us with his total enthusiasm for new sounds & was the driving force in signing and looking after many of the acts on the aA label. 

Later releasing his own fantastically unique music on aA via cuts on the Class aA LP, the Soft Priest 'Done It' EP & his debut LP 'Enjoying Moths', Charlie was planning new releases before his truly sad passing.

We miss him dearly already and our thoughts are with his family. Through this tough time we take hope from all the wonderful memories he gave us. The travels and adventures, the long nights & early mornings, the music and the laughter he gave to us all. He was a true one off, the likes of which we won't see again and he will be with us always.

For those wanting to pay their respects, the funeral will be on Friday 10th January at midday at St Josephs R C Churchmore, Gorton Road, Stockport, Cheshire SK5 6AZ,  (Google map here) followed by the burial at 1.45pm at Mill Lane Cemetery, Stockport. 

Venue for The Wake after is Heaton Sports Club, Green Lane, Heaton Moor, SK4 2NF

Love & Mercy
aA x

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